住所 : 〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-12-24 東建・長井ビル1F
TEL : 03-5464-9976
FAX : 03-5464-9946
創立 : 2005年1月7日
代表 : 上杉 文弥 -
1F Totate Nagai Building, 2-12-24 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 150-0002
TEL : +81-3-5464-9976
FAX : +81-3-5464-9946
Establishment : JANUARY. 2005
President : FUMIYA UESUGI -
<UNITE NINE>は、服飾雑貨及び衣類等の卸販売、または多数の国内・海外ブランドを紹介する代理店でもあります。
我々は、共に対等な立場で協力し合い、互いに信用できるサプライヤー、お客様をパートナーと考え、共に成長、繁栄できるよう取り組みたいと考えております。 -
UNITE NINE is an exclusive fashion agent for numerous domestic and international apparel brands and also specializes in particular, wholesale garments and fashion items. Based in Tokyo, Japan, UNITE NINE introduces high-end, cutting-edge Men’s clothes, bags and unique accessories to the world renowned fashion market in Japan.
To date, we have continued multiple successes in building up strong brands and introducing this perpetually to the infamous Japanese fashion market. We continuously focus and develop our specific strategic marketing plan for each unique brand and offer spearheading services which includes; building sales strategy, intimately committing to sales operation, and launching public relations campaigns.
We are proud of the services we provide involving the best brands and collections, and our selections and ingenuity have gained numerous trusts from our customers as well.
Our most important policy is to understand the brands we represent passionately, and build an appropriate, strong sales strategy that fit the needs of our exclusive clientele.
We continuously strive to cooperate with all fashion realms on equal grounds, as partners with trusted suppliers and customers, to grow together to make our efforts evolve towards a prosperous fashion industry.
現在、複数のブランド/コレクションを日本/香港の約140の取引先に卸しています。 取り扱いブランド/コレクションの展示会は、自社showroomで年4回行っております。 販売スタッフは各お客様と展示会時期や、またシーズン中にはできる限り、日本全国の取り扱い店舗に出向き連絡をとりあい、実際の販売現場でのお客様のリアクション等を各ブランド/デザイナーに細かく伝えております。
また、販売スタッフは全員、業界経験が5年以上のスタッフが勤めており、 取引先とも、各ブランドの打ち出し、ディスプレーにいたるまで、話し合い、販売促進に努めてまいります。 -
We currently distribute brand/collections to 140 on-going strong customers around Japan and Hong Kong.
We hold our brand collection’s exhibition 4 times a year. Our professional sales staff members make it their passion to travel to all exhibitions around the country as much as possible and interact carefully with the brands and designers to let them know the voices and reactions received from the customers on each exquisite item. In addition, our staff members have a minimum of 5+ years’ experience which reflect professional expertise in choosing quality brands from the buyer directly to the sales floor and displays. -
記事に取り上げられる機会を求める為、日々、編集者・スタイリスト・ライターとのコミュニケーションは欠かさず活動しており、全掲載記事を載せたプレスレポートを定期的に各ブランド・デザイナーに送っています。また、プレス委託業務も行っております。 -
Press is one of the essential tools for sales.
Particularly in Japan, magazines and media have an enormous impact on sales.
Our passion for taking on such challenging marketing tasks is to simply gain recognition and promote sales strategically for our valued clients. By cultivating and introducing brands to our influential fashion magazines, we aim to position our selected brands became recognized in Japan market as leading brand.
Our professional marketing staff will carefully prepare a unique press-kit, secure an infamous stylist and promote this to the Japanese media world. Furthermore, we hold exquisite exhibitions for the press and invite prominent magazine editors, famous stylists, and top writers to introduce upcoming season’s collections and their designers.
In order to gain magazine and newspaper article transparency, communication between the editors, stylists, and the writers are absolutely imperative. Any articles or advertisements, we personally prepare a detailed report and present this to the brand designers. We also available to do marketing work exclusively for clients as well.
〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-12-24 東建・長井ビル1F
TEL: 03-5464-9967 FAX: 03-5464-9946
1F Totate Nagai Building, 2-12-24 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 150-0002
TEL: +81-3-5464-9967 FAX: +81-3-5464-9946
TEL: 03-5464-9967 FAX: 03-5464-9946
1F Totate Nagai Building, 2-12-24 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 150-0002
TEL: +81-3-5464-9967 FAX: +81-3-5464-9946